
4x4BlogBradley V deep rim design!

How about a custom deep rim Bradley V!

The deep rim size is unspoken for Bradley V,

16×8.5J 6H139.7 inset-30(FACE5)

The lineup includes the following sizes, but this time we are introducing a deep rim size that comes close to the above sizes.

The two sizes introduced here are the sizes that were reissued to commemorate Bradley’s 40th anniversary last year.


■16×7.0J 6H139.7 inset-15(FACE4 Deep)

■Color: Gun metallic/matte black/pearl white List price: ¥46,000 (¥50,600)

:Hyper Black 2 List price: ¥51,000 (¥56,100)

(Hyper Black 2/Matt Black)

Until now, 6.5J, 8.0J, and 8.5J have been the main 16-inch 6H, but now 7.0J is being reissued for the first time in about 15 years.

The size remains the same as when it was first released, but the FACE design, rim depth, Japanese manufacturing certification, and Bradley casting are all kept in mind.

It has been redeveloped and is appropriate for the 40th anniversary of Bradley’s birth.

These can be installed on Land Cruiser 60 narrow body, etc.

(Gun metallic/Hyper black 2)


■16×8.0J 6H139.7 inset-25(FACE4 SuperDeep)

■Color: Gun metallic/matte black/pearl white List price: ¥48,000 (¥52,800)

:Hyper Black 2 List price:¥53,000 (¥58,300)

This reissue/re-release size has been newly developed as well, while the size remains the same as it was back then.

The new color lineup includes Hyper Black 2, which was not available in both sizes at the time.

This is the size that we have received many requests for re-release at events where we have talked with many users.

This product can be installed on Land Cruiser 60/70 wide body, Land Cruiser Prado 70 wide body and Safari Y60 wide body.

Both sizes are now in stock, and we are waiting for your inquiries.


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